

Majestic Oaks Ocala Equestrian Facility is the perfect location for equestrian clinics. Both locals and trainers from out of state utilize the facilities.

Dressage Lesson

Known as a gracious host the Majestic Oaks team will work with you to ensure your clinic is a success.  Whether you are wanting to do a one-day clinic or several days, we would love to have you utilize our facility.

You can select the Amenities you need to ensure your clinic’s success. We have dressage arenas, a show jumping arena, plenty of room for groundwork, and an amazing cross-country course. Also, we have stalls and paddocks for out-of-town attendees.

patio cookout area

Equestrian clinics are a way for riders to receive individual attention to improve their horsemanship skills as well as their relationship with their horse.  Riders utilize this time to find out what does and doesn’t work best for the expert in their area. In addition to improving riding skills, students also increase their awareness of safe riding and handling practices. 

What our Clinicians Say

Tik Maynard and Sinead Halpin-Maynard utilized Majestic Oaks for several of their Florida-based Winter Eventing Camps.

“The facility was perfect, show jumps were great, and the cross country course was amazing and immaculately mowed,” Maynard said. “Marisa and Ron are the most gracious hosts and go above and beyond to make all the guests and clinic attendees feel welcome.”

Watch our facebook page for upcoming clinics. Are you interested in having a clinic? If so contact us, we would love to host your event.