2024 Volunteers of the Year

2024 Volunteers of the Year

As we move into 2025, we want to recognize our 2024 volunteers of the year. Last year was another incredible season that would involve hosting 11 events. Both schooling shows and USEA Recognized Events. We welcomed a fantastic 100 volunteers in 2024. All of the volunteer hours totaled 2,154 hours, which is truly incredible.

We could not have these shows without our incredible volunteers. We want to thank anyone who chose to spend time with us last year.  We indeed could not have these events without volunteers. Eventing is a sport that takes a village, and we are so thankful for ours.

Cathy Hale

Cathy is a dedicated volunteer at Majestic Oaks and USEA Area III. She can be found doing just about any job. She has been a scribe but also loves being on cross country. Cathy brings her knowledge and passion to each show, and we are so thankful to have her on the Majestic Oaks team.

Cathy is always at any of her shows early, often watching the sunrise and the Spanish moss in the trees. She is one of the first to ask to lend a hand to Cassi, our volunteer coordinator, as she is setting up for the day. She was recently interviewed by the USEA and mentioned that the eventing community and the communities at the venue have become like family. Read the whole article here.

“I honestly do not have a favorite venue. I frequent Rocking Horse, Majestic Oaks, Three Lakes, Barnstaple, and Florida Horse Park. Of course, volunteering at the World Equestrian Center [in Ocala] is quite an experience, especially. It’s an opportunity to meet and work more closely with international judges and even practice my Swedish with a few competitors. “- Cathy Hale.

Karen Mumme

Karen is a staple at Majestic Oaks. She often helps prepare the courses and facilities for the shows. She can be seen decorating the courses and facilities before the events. During the events, she is the one who makes all the volunteers happy, bringing them their food, drinks, and snacks.

Volunteers at Majestic Oaks Ocala

“I got my first horse, a blue-eyed, black and white pinto named “Lady” when I was 10, and my family bought a cattle operation. I guess that was the beginning of my addiction!

Through the years, Karen has owned too many horses to list and has done various things involving horses. Karen says she continues to own and breed horses, but they get smaller each year. (in size, not number)

When asked about volunteering at Majestic Oaks, Karen quickly responds, “It’s because of the people; horse people always have one thing in common: they love horses.” 

“Marisa and Ron make it a pleasure to be at their facility and are always kind and thoughtful. The staff is very knowledgeable and efficient. I hope anyone considering volunteering will attend an event and see what happens. You will like it!”

Ginny Hahn

Ginny is a vital part of our volunteer community. She can do any job we need, which is so valuable. You can see her at all the Majestic Oaks, including jumper shows. She is the biggest cheerleader for recruiting volunteers and always has a bright smile.

“I started to get involved with horses when my daughter had her first lesson at age seven and became hooked!  I never would have dreamed that by age 60, I would own a horse farm here in Florida! As my daughter got older, I learned how to care for and tack up lesson horses. I graduated from working horse shows and then helped run schooling horse trials in New Hampshire.  I did even occasionally ride.”

When Ginny moved to Florida, her daughter was showing up at an event. She says this is how she was so lucky to be able to start helping at Majestic Oaks, but in reality, Majestic Oaks is the lucky one to have her!

“I found myself wanting to be there for every show – even if my daughter wasn’t showing,” Hahn says. “I feel so lucky to be part of a team that helps people of all ages accomplish working with their horse for a magical connection and ride at whatever level they are at!  Watching the smiles and big pats makes my heart so happy!”

Join us in recognizing the fantastic effort of our entire volunteer team. When you see them, thank them, especially these three outstanding 2024 volunteers of the year.

If you are on the fence about volunteering, please get in touch with Cassi Cameron-Duke for more information. To contact Cassi for volunteer opportunities, please call/text at 603-702-2433 or email majesticoaksvolunteercord@gmail.com. Be sure to check out our volunteer page.